So Far, the past few months have been a real eye opener. I have so much (more) respect for everyone who works in the health care industry. In the few clinical experiences I have had thus far I have seen a lot (...or probably nothing compared to what I will see). It is amazing to be able to help other people and I am glad I have chosen a career that will allow me to do that. I have always found the human body so fascinating and have wanted to work in a hospital since I was young. I love the environment of a big, busy hospital with employees rushing around doing their different jobs, all of which are working together towards the same goal- improving someones quality of life. And that is what Nursing is all about.
I learned two things today in clinical that I think are worth writing about-
1. I gave my first shots EVER! 3 of them total. One day I will look back and not even remember what it's like to be nervous to stick someone with a needle.
2. I watched a Cardiac Catheter insertion of some sort. I cant remember the full technical name of the procedure but it was awesome to watch. Every time I am in that environment it makes me want to specialize and work in the surgery center.
For now... my biggest challenge has been learning to live on less sleep. I woke up today in a panic because I had a dream I forgot to document something on my patients chart. Oh how life after college has changed... :)
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